Saturday, July 5, 2008

One Local Summer Week 5

The pictures aren't so great this week, but the meal sure was! Above is zucchini crusted pizza, one with pesto, onions and feta and the other a version of pizza margherita, with tomato sauce, basil and fresh mozarella.

The only non-local ingredients were olive oil, the pine nuts in the pesto and the tomato sauce.

Dessert was also almost totally local. We had peach crumble with homemade vanilla ice cream. We bought the peaches while visiting my mom in Arkansas. The topping was made with local butter, oats and flour. The ice cream was made with local cream. The only non-local ingredients were vanilla, salt, and white sugar.


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Pizza! Why didn't I think of that? everything looks fantastic.