Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First major basil harvest

These pictures were taken more than a week ago already, when I harvested our first batch of basil for pesto.

It's great when everyone helps pick the leaves. This time, Stephen, Melissa and Sarah helped.

It's hard to believe that pest hasn't always been a part of my life. We didn't discover the wonders of this traditional Italian sauce until the mid-1980s, after my sister and her husband returned from living in Italy for several years.

I worry every year that I won't have enough basil to make enough pesto to last us through the winter. It must be some holdover gene from Pioneer days or something.

Once the leaves are picked and washed, all it takes is a little garlic, parmesan, olive oil, butter and walnuts, whirred to a puree in the food processor. This harvest yielded two batches for immediate consumption and five to freeze.


nsbmom said...

I would love that recipe, I have basil coming out my ears!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this might be the 3rd post of yours on basil. It is a big part of your life.