Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wet feet, dirty tummies

Bertie, ears flying, crashes through the scrub

It was a perfectly gorgeous day at the dog park.
After last night's torrential rains (more than 7 inches!), the park was a little soggy, but the air was cool with a nice breeze; sunny without being hot.
I think I love going to the dog park almost as much as my dogs. I'm able to walk the perimeter, about 1/2 mile around, while they get to romp and run. We all come home tired and well-exercised.
With today's perfect weather I was able to walk 3.5 miles while they happily cavorted with each other and other dogs.

Gus and Bertie, noses to the ground, as they track a scent

Having access to the dog park has been great for my highly social dogs, encompassing some of their favorite things: interacting with other dogs, running, chasing, sniffing, and getting attention from people other than just family.
There's a small group of "regulars" - we know each other by our dogs, as in "Silas' Mom" or "Barney's Mom" and "Doug's Dad." The park is quite clean with poop disposal bags, jugs for water, and even a port-a-potty for the people.

Look closely and you'll see two happy bassets

Run, Gussie, run. Bertie is hot on your heels
So today while I tried, unsuccessfully, to tip-toe around the wet spots, my dogs joyously frolicked in the the tall grass, splashed through the puddles, and got way more exercise than I could ever give them on leash. And when you're a low-to-the-ground hound that means your tummy gets really dirty, really fast.
Thank goodness for garden hoses and daughters who are willing to give those tummies a quick scrub!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Thirty years with my love

Thirty years.
I can hardly believe so much time has passed so quickly.
Today is our thirtieth wedding anniversary and I am more in love with my husband today than the day we married.
I had a bit of a scare last night when we couldn’t find our wedding album. We’ve had a lot of upheaval in our house this summer - emptying the attic to make room for son #2 to live (I get his old bedroom as a sitting room) and packing up the entire house to refinish the floors in our 110 year old four square - and the album was not where it always has been.
My husband remembered having packed it - he just didn’t remember exactly where he’d put the box. Remarkably, I maintained my cool and prepared to be worried for a long time when suddenly my daughter found it.

I look at the photos of that day and remember the joy we shared in making our lives together. It amazes me that we still feel that joy in each other and our relationship every day.
We’ve been through a lot in our 30 years - mental illness in myself and three of our four children; diagnosis of a genetic disorder and its consequent medical issues in myself and three of our children as well. It hasn’t been easy and it hasn’t always been unicorns and rainbows.

But through it all we have loved and supported each other, honestly sharing our hopes and fears. When life and circumstances seemed almost more than we could bear, we held onto each other and worked on our relationship.
Now we’re at a point in our lives when our youngest will head off to college in a few weeks. 

We’ll both have some sadness at the passing of this phase of our lives, but we also have time with each other to look forward to; more time to spend together than we’ve had for 27 years!
And we’re excited.
I can’t wait to start the next 30 years with my love.