Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wet feet, dirty tummies

Bertie, ears flying, crashes through the scrub

It was a perfectly gorgeous day at the dog park.
After last night's torrential rains (more than 7 inches!), the park was a little soggy, but the air was cool with a nice breeze; sunny without being hot.
I think I love going to the dog park almost as much as my dogs. I'm able to walk the perimeter, about 1/2 mile around, while they get to romp and run. We all come home tired and well-exercised.
With today's perfect weather I was able to walk 3.5 miles while they happily cavorted with each other and other dogs.

Gus and Bertie, noses to the ground, as they track a scent

Having access to the dog park has been great for my highly social dogs, encompassing some of their favorite things: interacting with other dogs, running, chasing, sniffing, and getting attention from people other than just family.
There's a small group of "regulars" - we know each other by our dogs, as in "Silas' Mom" or "Barney's Mom" and "Doug's Dad." The park is quite clean with poop disposal bags, jugs for water, and even a port-a-potty for the people.

Look closely and you'll see two happy bassets

Run, Gussie, run. Bertie is hot on your heels
So today while I tried, unsuccessfully, to tip-toe around the wet spots, my dogs joyously frolicked in the the tall grass, splashed through the puddles, and got way more exercise than I could ever give them on leash. And when you're a low-to-the-ground hound that means your tummy gets really dirty, really fast.
Thank goodness for garden hoses and daughters who are willing to give those tummies a quick scrub!

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