Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fibers and the Fair

Today, we scrambed to fill out the forms, figure out the correct categories and transport Melissa's crocheted creations to the Iowa State Fair. The fair doesn't start until August 7, but the Thread and Fibers entries were due today.

Most of her entries were made in the junior division, including the felted wool crocheted purse above. She chose the wool and created striped pattern herself.

The above purse is made with 50 percent Ingeo fiber, a yarn made completely from corn, and 50 percent wool. She crocheted the two fibers together and then felted it. She stayed up until 1 a.m. this morning finishing the purse. She felted it after breakfast and then I found myself drying the still wet purse with a hair dryer so she could turn it in!

This scarf is much prettier than it looks on the table here. She crocheted this one from 100 percent Ingeo fiber, making individual granny squares, sewing them together and then crocheting around the outside edge.

This scarf is absolutely gorgeous and as soft as a persian cat! Melissa crocheted this one from alpaca yarn (the purple) and a fancy yarn, also part alpaca, to add interest. I'm hoping she'll give it to me for Christmas!

She entered this purse in a non-judged category called "Rare Needle Crafts." I don't know how truly rare needle felting is, but there wasn't a separate category for needle-felted items. She crocheted the purse from 100 percent wool yarn, felted it, then needle felted the field of flowers onto the front.

Here are a couple of close-ups of the needle felting:

Judging takes place over the next couple of days. We're keeping our fingers crossed that all of her items will be placed on display.

I am so proud!


Heather's Moving Castle said...

Congrats to you all on the blue ribbons! That is exciting. ;)

I'll try to spot them at the fair.


Anonymous said...

Great items. The flowered purse is my favorite.