Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Few Miscellaneous Baked Things

Whole wheat chocolate chip cookies

Oatmeal bread

Applesauce Streusel Bread

Apple Butter Bread


Anonymous said...

That apple butter bread looks so good. And overflowing with apples as I am, a good way to mix up having the same fruit. How was the oatmeal bread? That is one that I can never seem to get right - it just collapses in the oven.

Karen said...

The oatmeal bread turned out great, though it has a lot of white flour in it. I have a whole wheat oatmeal bread recipe that I prefer and I often have trouble with the loaves not rising as high as I'd like.
The apple butter bread (a quick bread) was really good. I made apple butter this fall and it was a great way to use some of it.