Monday, February 16, 2009

Dark Days Eat Local - Week 13

This week we had the distinct honor of using our own eggs for our local meal. This was the first week we had a dozen - actually 13 - eggs! I'm sure the excitement will wear off some day, but I think it's far in the future.

Michael made us fried eggs and oven fries, a meal we would eat every day if we could. We had locally made butter on homemade whole wheat oat bread. Umm, umm.

Our local family-owned dairy, Picket Fence Creamery, milks Jersey cows. The milk is incredibly creamy and delicious, unlike any milk I've ever tasted before. It's always a sad day when we run out and have to buy regular milk from a commercial dairy. The creamery is about a 40 minute drive from us. Though the milk is sold locally in a specialty grocery store, it's substantially less expensive, even figuring in the cost of gas, to drive out to the dairy. We're experimenting with freezing gallons of milk in the hopes that we can do a once-a-month stock up trip.

Finally, we thawed another quart of strawberries from last summer. I had recently splurged on a pound of fresh strawberries from California. Believe me, there was no comparison. While the fresh strawberries were okay, our strawberries - frozen at the peak of flavor - beat them hands down.

Last summer we planted our own strawberry patch. I can't wait to see what our yield is this summer. It's exciting to think of strolling out and picking our own fresh berries!


zamozo said...

Do you need egg cartons? I have 6 to give away.

Karen said...

That would be great!

juliecache said...

your own eggs. that is so very cool. i smile while reading and thinking about it. i think you do, too. I can tell.

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Very nice!! Looks yummy! I'm so happy for you and I love your new blog look. ;o)

Anonymous said...

I would be jumping up and down at home produced eggs! That is really something to be proud of and feature on the local meal report :-) Your local dairy sounds wonderful. I've had the same experience, the taste is just unlike any other found in a commercial dairy. In a very good way indeed.