Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dark Days Eat Local - Week 14

We actually had this meal shortly before my husband left last week for two weeks in Chile.
Yeah, I know.
It must be tough.
No, actually, he's working 16-hour days in corn fields.
Not really my idea of a good time.
With him gone and my foot broken, I haven't been doing much cooking.

This meal was incredibly delicious and looking at this photo makes me even more tired of take-out than I already was.
We had local steaks, broiled, topped with local onions sauteed in Iowa soy oil and splashed with balsamic vinegar. Just before serving I sprinkled Maytag blue cheese on top.
Oven roasted CSA beets and local potatoes rounded out the meal
We finished with a homemade (with local eggs) angel food cake topped with blackberry sauce made from a pint of local blackberries I canned last summer.
Too bad I forgot to take a picture...


Anonymous said...

The thought of those berries......
Did you roast the veg with anything (spices, flavoring)? I have some beets that need to be used, and ideas would be great. I hear you, nothing quite like a great homecooked meal

Karen said...

I just tossed both the potatoes and beets with olive oil, salt and pepper.
If you want to add a dash of flavor to the beets, toss them with a little balsamic vinegar before serving. Beets are also great with goat cheese!

juliecache said...

i can't believe you ever get photos before the food gets eaten.