Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Last week Heather gave me The Tree of Happiness Award.
She said I make her laugh, which is quite a compliment. Though I have to tell you, Heather, ever since you wrote that, I haven't had a single funny thought!

I'm supposed to list 6 Things That Make Me Happy

So, here goes: 1) First and foremost is my darling husband. Not everyone can say that someone in this world adores her, but I can. Michael loves me, cherishes me, takes care of me, makes me laugh, is a wonderful husband, is gorgeous, stands by me in good times and bad, and makes me feel secure. He props me up when I'm going through rough spots and allows me to do the same for him. We are partners in everything we do. How did I get so lucky?

2) My children, of course. I have never known a more fierce and abiding, unconditional and all-encompassing love, than what I feel for my children. They amaze and delight me on a daily basis. Of course, they also frustrate and annoy me at times, but I drive them crazy, too. What I call a perfect mother/child relationship! They are not only emotionally open and supportive with me, but also with each other. They are smart, funny, creative, talented, caring, loving individuals. I couldn't be more proud to have Stephen, Zachary, Sarah and Melissa as my children.

3) My pets. As crazy as my menagerie of 2 dogs and 4 cats makes me, the love and devotion they inspire in myself and my family is immeasurable. When I've been without a pet in the past, I've felt somewhat incomplete. And though I wouldn't miss the fur tumbleweeds, the barf, the vet bills or the muddy footprints, I would miss each and every one of my sweet furballs. Now, Fanny, stop drinking my milk, Lester get off the table, and Ivy, leave that cat alone!

4) My friends. I have had good friends come and go way too often in my life. But my friends now I know will be mine forever. They give me advice, unconditional support, laughter and camaraderie, and are a lot cheaper than therapy. I don't know what I would do without them!

5) Good food. Some people eat to live, but I definitely live to eat. Along with this love of good food is a true enjoyment of cooking and baking. I find nothing more satisfying than putting together a fabulous meal - but don't ask me to do the dishes! Doing virtually all our cooking from scratch makes it difficult to enjoy eating out, but that's probably a good thing with our current need to economize.

6) My new high-efficiency wood-burning fireplace. I have always loved the beauty and aroma of a wood burning fire, but knowing I'm not only saving money on my energy costs, but doing it in a "green(ish)" way, makes me swoon with delight. I get really crabby when I'm cold, which usually starts in October and lasts into April. Having this delicious source of warmth has made me much easier to live with.

Now I'm supposed to tag other blogs that make me happy.
  • The Unzone
    Chris is an unschooling guru right here in the heart of Iowa. She's an incredible mother, mentor, and friend. I'm so glad she's started posting again!
  • Is this Heaven? No, this is Iowa! I just discovered Claire's blog a few weeks ago and I love reading about her adventures on a small acreage with lots and lots of animals. She living the life I wish I had the energy to pursue. You really need to check out the pictures of ducklings in her bathtub!
  • Touch the Earth Farm I visit Danielle's site so often she probably thinks I'm a stalker. Another unschooling mom living the sustainable lifestyle on a small acreage in Maryland. She has cows, pigs, chickens, and goats, runs a CSA, sheers her own sheep, makes her own cheese, even cures her own pork! An inspiration.
  • Living in a Local Zone A Connecticut localvore I "met" through the Dark Days Eat Local Challenge. Love reading her blog as she plans her garden, cooks, bakes, and dedicates herself to a local, more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Beyond the Blue Gate Another Iowa blog about living on an acreage, running a CSA, cooking and the country life. Jill and her husband are familiar faces from the Des Moines Farmer's Market and I have my fingers crossed that I'll be able to join their CSA soon.

We'll see if any of these people read my blog often enough to notice they've been given an award!


Heather's Moving Castle said...

How lovely. I'm so glad you awarded, Chris! I am going to give her a blog award soon. I just haven't done it yet. What a sweet post. I know you all are missing Stephen. I hope his trip went well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for tagging me - I must agree with Heather, your blog makes me smile and feel that much better about the possibilities every day. :-)
Having loved ones around is one of the happiest things in the world I think - lucky you are to have so many of them in your life! And on the food - yep, that sense of nourishing satisfaction is unique.

BlueGate said...

Wow, thanks for including me. It's my very first award and it made me blush out loud : )