Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fiber CSA

December's CSA yarn

Melissa has a serious yarn obsession.
Our forays into yarn shops often lead to near hyper-ventilation and a need to sit down and breathe for a few minutes. In the interestes of my child's health, I hold my own yarn yearnings in check, as much as I can, so as to be able to help her through these episodes.
Don't believe me?
Here's the scene at last fall's Farm Crawl. I think we were at Blue Gate Farm.
After this episode we had to rest for a bit and buy some lemonade!
Anyway, in the past year, Melissa's crocheting has really taken off and she has branched out into working with wool fiber, making felted baskets and purses.
Unfortunately, I share this love of yarn, though I'm much more likely to buy some and simply think about making something with it. Actually, I want to buy all the gorgeous hand-spun, hand-dyed yarn I see and just roll around in it.
But I digress.
Our efforts to economize this fall forced us to work on using up the stash of yarn we already have instead of adding to the already overflowing yarn closet, two dressers and large cupboard where it currently lives.
So, to satisfy her desperate yearning for more, Melissa asked for yarn for Christmas. Now last year, she asked for and received a box of yarn. It was pretty enough, but was all from Hobby Lobby or Michael's. Not a hand-spun skein in the lot.
But this year, to my delight, I found the perfect yarn-i-licious gift for her: a 3-month subscription to a yarn CSA. Oh, not just any yarn CSA though. Nope, it's a home-grown, right here in Iowa, local yarn CSA called Willow Ridge Farm.
Each month for 3 months she's given a choice of colors and receives a whole box full of gorgeous wool yarn.
I can't wait to see what she makes from it!


Heather's Moving Castle said...

How cool! There are far worse things a child could be obsessed with. My four year old told me very bluntly today that he is addicted to World of Warcraft. And I smiled. I can think of worse than that too!

Have fun you crafty folks.

Claire MW said...

I think I share her obsession, although I tend more toward the roving than the finished yarn, probably because I am still learning how to crochet. Thanks for the CSA link - I might join that too!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! A few farms around her also sell fibers, but sadly I don't have the time to do the yarnwork I'd like to use them. It is addictive!

BlueGate said...

Was so tickled to see that you all joined the CSA too! Isn't it fun!
Yep, I think I recognize the big tree amidst all that wonderful fiber : )

Lynn in Tucson said...

That 3rd photo is priceless!