Monday, January 12, 2009

Dark Days Eat Local Challenge - Week 8

Between taking son #2 back to college, fighting a virus, and of course, the puppy being, um, well, a puppy, I'm late in posting last week's local meal.
But it was a good one.
Above you see the applesauce chocolate chip muffins I made using local applesauce from a dear friend, local eggs and milk, and locally produced white and whole wheat flours. Wish I could claim the chocolate was local, but we'll need to get several more decades into global warming before that's a reality!

The main dish was cream of turkey and wild rice soup, made with local organic turkey, homemade broth, local cream, and carrots and onions from my CSA. The wild rice was from Minnesota, which is pretty darn close to us, if not down right local.

I was going to apologize for the appearance of the pie, but it actually looks much better in the photo than it did IRL! I made a raspberry cream streusel pie, and boy oh boy, was it incredible. I used red and black raspberries from my fruit CSA, frozen last summer. The cream, egg and flour were all local as well.

This meal was so easy to make and I had all the local ingredients on hand, either in the freezer or fresh from other local sources. In the past I've had a hard using up my frozen, canned and otherwise preserved foods. This year I'm doing much better "shopping" from my freezer and shelves on a daily basis. So I'm running out of things faster, but enjoying these "fruits" of my summer labors on a steadier, more ongoing basis.


Anonymous said...

Muffins are great, easy, fast, and can be frozen (well, if they last, I eat them all week long). Plus, so many ways to make them. Kind of a way to think of your friend when you eat as a bonus.
Wild rice!!!!! I didn't realize how I've missed rice since eating local - no rice in/around CT that I can find. But if it can be grown in MN, it must be possible in CT, right?

Heather's Moving Castle said...

Yummy! Aren't you a food goddess. I need to look for more cook books at garage sales. LOL. The wild rice and turkey does sound yummy.

Karen said...

Oooh, I like the sound of "goddess!"

juliecache said...

Because of reading your blog, I am totally focused on buying from Paul's Grains in '09. You are a rock star.