Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Seussian Mess

I've been having disturbing thoughts lately.
As in, what if I die and my mother comes and sees how messy my house is?

What if I set my oven mitts on fire again and we have to call for help.
What will the firefighters think?

The paramedics?

Someone once said "a clean house is the sign of a misspent life."
I'd like to invite her over and give her a big hug.

But my house is too messy for company...


Heather's Moving Castle said...

Clean or not, I am coming over to see those chics. My house is a mess too. I am having too much fun with my boys to do a deep clean or declutter. I may get to it by Oct. The weather has been so awesome and I have had sinus trouble which makes me feel lazy about being inside cleaning. Cooking is enough.

I miss talking to you!! ;)

Karen said...

After a weekend of vacuuming and purging, we're looking much better, thank goodness!!
The chicks arrive on Wednesday, so we might be up for a visit the following week!


Heather's Moving Castle said...

That would be awesome!!! Maybe my sinuses will ease up by then. ;)

Anonymous said...

I thought it would be fun to do a book sometime with photos of people's houses as is. You show up and ask to photograph. Wouldn't that be interesting...anthropology type book.
I think you can tell by the way people do Christmas decorations how their house looks inside. The people with a very straight line of lights going along their roof tops of one color....extremely neat and orderly. Random bunch of different light stuck here and there....disorganized and messy. That's me. I just realized tonight the information I was providing to others with my jumbled lights stuck here and there. They now seem to be saying in flashing lights "I am a disorganized mess".
Oh, year I try to falsely advertise the orderliness of my house. This year I blame it on the kids!!