Tuesday, May 26, 2009


What you see here is all that remains of the garlic I stored last fall. Actually, after last weekend's cooking, there are only about 1 1/2 bulbs left.
I had a lot of garlic from my CSA last fall, and combined with a big purchase from Coyote Run Farm at October's Farm Crawl, I made it through the fall and winter using only locally produced garlic.
I simply stored the bulbs on the top shelf of a kitchen cupboard, pulling off a bulb as needed. At this point, some cloves are unusable and others are a little withered, but overall, I'm pleased with the outcome.
Last spring we planted garlic in our flower beds, but not until early June. The fall got away from us and we never harvested the bulbs or even took a look at their development.

This spring, the garlic is growing like crazy and I've pulled some to use as fresh garlic in my cooking.
I'm not sure if the bulbs will develop correctly, but it's been a fun experiment.
To left, you see the garlic I bought in October.


juliecache said...

How funny is this -- I just had the same garlic thoughts this evening. I'm running out, but hey, there's a lot in the garden going gangbusters. lol

Anonymous said...

My garlic greens are taking over the garden! Like you, I don't know what it means for the bulbs developing, but I am certainly enjoying snipping off some of the tips of the greens for my cooking! Have you tried using them raw in salads? Delicious.

Nicole said...

The 2009 One Local Summer challenge begins on June 1. I hope you'll join us again this year!