Tuesday, May 26, 2009


One of Melissa's best friends turned 13 a few weeks ago. Her birthday kind of snuck up on us this year, and Melissa found herself in need of a handmade gift with only a couple of days to make it.
We found a free pattern online for this nifty crocheted backpack, dashed to the store for yarn, and in two nights Melissa whipped this up.

She only worked on it at night, starting at 10 p.m. or later.
The second night she was up until 2 a.m. in her dash to finish.
I'm hoping she'll help me make one, too, though it might be a little difficult.
She thinks she crocheted in her sleep most of the time and doesn't remember much once she hit the middle stripe!
And to think, only last year she couldn't read a pattern...


Glenda said...

How cute is that!!! What a sweet friend she is :).

Learning to crochet is on my (ever-growing!) crafting "to learn" list.

Karen said...

I wish I had the patience to embroider - my mom embroiders, but I never learned.
I would like to improve my crocheting and learn to knit... someday!