Monday, May 4, 2009

Breakfast Burritos

After the Farmer's Market on Saturday, Michael made us an incredible meal of breakfast burritos. He sauteed a little local sausage, onions and peppers, salt and pepper, then scrambled in our own eggs.

Wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla with a side of fresh strawberries - yum! There's a stand at the Farmer's Market that sells breakfast burritos, though I've never seen it. I go to the market on a mission: to gather locally grown fruits and veggies for home-cooked meals. An article in today's paper said a breakfast burrito at the market costs $4.50.

Wow. I'm so glad Michael cooked these up from scratch for us!

Oh, and they weren't blurry in real life.


Anonymous said...

That's one great meal :-) And the price difference, whoa! It really hammers home home much of a difference (in cost and taste) there is in preparing ones own food, not to mention the ability to customize it to one's mood and tastes.

Crosswinds Farm said...

YUM!Except the sausage..I don't eat meat, but the rest looks yummy!