Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A little blue...

That's how we're feeling here today.
Michael's travel season has started and he's off to corn fields near and far for the week. He hasn't been gone since that fateful trip in February - a time we on the home front would all like to forget.
This time will be different; we have greater numbers here to man the fort since Zach is home for the summer, Ivy is older (a little), my foot is much better, and it's been so long since we've had take out food it will be a real treat for a day or two.
But we all will miss him. It just isn't the same at home when he's gone.
Life in general is so much easier now than say, 10 or 15 years ago. I look back and marvel that I had the energy for three children under 5, or 4 children under 9. Those days were long and hard, but I look back on them fondly now.
Sort of.
I was so busy I didn't really have a chance to miss Michael for Michael; it was more the absence of a second pair of hands that I missed.
So, it's always much easier now work-wise when he travels, though now I have the time to miss him.
We all do.
So much.
Drive safely, honey.
And watch out for the smut in those corn fields... it's a jungle out there.


Glenda said...

I'll commiserate with you on the traveling-hubby bit. It *is* nice to miss him for him, rather than for the extra pair of hands (something I'd never thought of before, but you're dead-on about it!).

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. Its tough when family is away, especially when they are so much a part of the "feeling" of the house and home together. Safe thoughts for you all.