Monday, June 8, 2009

BLTs and a teaser

Last weekend bore witness to two significant events.
We had our first BLTs of the season, complete with homemade bread, lettuce from our garden, local greenhouse tomatoes, and local bacon. "Yum" doesn't even begin to describe it.

The second event was the harvesting of our first ripe tomato. Actually, it had fallen off the plant and needed another week to ripen to perfection. Oh, and it wasn't blurry in real life, either.

This morning Michael, the girls, and I divided the little gem into four equal pieces. While local greenhouse tomatoes are much better than those picked green and shipped in from hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away, nothing compares to the tangy flavor of vine ripened.

We can't wait...

1 comment:

Jenny @ Nourished Kitchen said...

Oh wow! I can't believe you have tomatoes already! We usually have to wait until August. BLTs are my favorite. SO Yummy.