Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is our new baby!
Ivy will join our family December 6.
We're picking her up from the breeder in Illinois that weekend.

Oh, my god, she's adorable!
Oh, my god, what have I done?

Memories of barely surviving Wally's puppyhood with my sanity intact have been flooding my dreams lately. Maybe she'll be a really calm puppy, unlike Wally, who required daily 5 mile walks just to be tolerable indoors.

Maybe she won't need to chew as much as Wally did; at one point, we were going through upwards of $50 worth of chew toys a month, and that was 8 years ago. God only knows how much it would cost now!

We got Wally in December, too. I remember how much fun it was to house-train a puppy in the dead of winter. Maybe Ivy will be really, really smart and only take a week to trust in the house???


I do know, however, that she will be soft and sweet and cuddly. That we already love her wildly and we haven't even met her yet. That even Michael is getting excited about bringing her home...

And there's nothing quite like a puppy at Christmas...


Heather's Moving Castle said...

Oh my goodness! You are going to be a new mommy!!! :) Congrats! It will be a lot of work for awhile. But it will go by fast. And it will make winter go by fast. At least you will have help.

We spent about $10 a week in chew toys for our dog. She is finally slowing down a little. We buy her stuffed toys from thrift stores too. But little puppies may choke on the eyes, if they can get them out. Our dog loved chewing on the eyes once she got them off. And I'm so glad she doesn't chew the toilet paper anymore.


Anonymous said...

There isn't anything quite like a puppy at Christmas to encourage you to enjoy the great outdoors. With out her you might spend the whole day cozy and warm inside.