Friday, November 7, 2008

If it isn't one thing...

We have a leak in our roof. Estimated repair cost: $2,000 and they can't fix it until mid-December. Dh plans to climb onto our 3-story-high roof tomorrow morning and attempt to patch the leak with roof tar. Dear friend's husband plans to serve as ballast. Tomorrow's high? 37.
No one wants to buy our Prius. No one.
We recently added yet another prescription medication to our family's pharmacopia. Co-pay: Yet another $25 a month.
Our little Lester likely has an auto-immune disease, a la lupus. Currently, he's on 3 different medications and his poor little eyes are still red-rimmed and sore. Likely, there soon will be a trip to the Vet. Med. school at Iowa State University. Big Bucks.
Other happy thoughts? College tuition and books, two kids need new shoes, my nice winter coat doesn't fit me anymore and my favorite pair of jeans has a hole.

Good news?
So far, I'm sticking to my "cash only" Christmas budget and have found some great deals buying used electronics and books.
I'm well-stocked for food, so the plan is to only buy fresh fruit and milk products at the grocery store this month.
Dh and I are well on our way to simplifying our financial accounting system and working out a do-able budget.

The truly odd thing is, I feel weirdly optimistic.
Not exactly a normal feeling for me.
Perhaps, it's the more focused approach to money and life I've been taking lately.

Then again, it might just be that Snickers bar I just ate...


Heather's Moving Castle said...

Cliff and I just visualize all our bills being paid off and money/checks coming in the mail. I think it is working. In the last year we have paid off $25k in debt and only have $45k more to go. LOL. We even got his hunk of junk car sold this week. Just keep being optimistic.

Heather ;)

Karen said...

Thanks, Heather.
It's a long road to follow, isn't it? Know anyone who wants to buy a Prius??