Friday, September 19, 2008

Crummies in our Tummies

Sarah and I were hit with some kind of virus this week. She missed two days of school and I was out of commission for a day as well. I'm still fighting the lingering exhaustion, but have been able to be up and about today.
Wednesday, however, except for mad dashes to the bathroom (uh hmm), I was bedridden and miserable. Michael was out of town, of course, so that left Melissa with all the animal care; chickens, dog, cats and humans.

I was getting a little concerned about how much I was asking Melissa to do, when she brought me the above bouquet. Just what I needed!

Oh, and she also made these bells for Sarah and me. The little flags say "Ring for Service." We definitely did!

There was only one flaw, however. Whenever we rang for service, this character showed up expecting to play.

The bells were from some of Elmer's favorite cat toys - broken ones of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I need to bring a bell with me, so Elmer will want to play.