Friday, May 9, 2008

Yesterday, when they were young...

Stephen, 1988

Saturday evening was my second oldest son's senior prom. He will graduate later this month. Next week, my oldest son finishes his sophomore year in college. My oldest daughter is finishing her freshman year in high school and my youngest daughter is now 11.

It seems like only yesterday when I was a mom of four children under the age of 10. I can remember exactly how it felt to hold each of them in my arms, inhaling that wonderful baby smell and feeling their soft, fuzzy heads against my cheek. I remember their first words (hi, truck, dada, and mama, respectively), when they each first walked, their favorite baby foods, their triumphs and their sadnesses.

Zachary, 1990

The years have simply flown by, as every grandmother will tell you. Even when you know this and work to cherish every moment, it still is startling to one day be holding your little boy's hand while crossing the street and the next day have to crane your neck to look up at him.

Sarah, 1993

I am so incredibly proud of my children. They each are such good people; kind, caring, considerate, funny, responsible, witty... I could go on. I feel fortunate that, so far, they have decided to attend colleges close to home, so I am as yet spared the separation of a child living far away.Melissa, 1997

So it is with melancholy that I greet this spring. My children are becoming independent adults with lives that are more separate from mine than ever before. So, while I am, of course, proud and happy, I also cry a little as I let them go.


Heather's Moving Castle said...

Wow!! That really makes me want to keep on trying to live in the moment and cherish my boys. Congrats on all the good news! I can't believe people had to be out in the rain and cold on Sat. You are brave and an inspiration!!

Karen said...

Thanks, Heather.
Every time I see your boys it reminds me of when my guys - who are two years apart - were little.
I love the great young men they are now, of course, but sometimes I wish the time hadn't gone so quickly...

Anonymous said...

Not the baby pictures again. Am I really too old to have more children. The more the merrier right.