Monday, May 12, 2008

Look what I found...

I pulled out an old bread-making cookbook this morning to search for a whole grain bagel recipe. I remember that this book came with the hearth oven insert I got for Christmas 6 or 7 years ago and I haven't ever really used it. (The book, not the insert).
I opened the book and out fell another Christmas present I received that year from Stephen, who was 12 or 13 at the time.

A Sonnet for Mommy

You are the rock I build upon,
You are my substitute for earthly brawn,
You are the master up to which I run,
You are the source of all my heavenly fun.
You are the shade that helps to dim the glare,
That keeps the sun off my precious lair.
You are the mace that keeps away the bear.

You are my lantern in the dark of night,
You are the shelter where I hide in fright.
You are the book I read each day with care
To find the path to trod on, if I dare.
You are my harbor on a stormy sea,
You give me the strength to get up and be,
The strength I need to stand up and be me.

Merry Christmas, Mom. I love you, Stephen.

I love you, too, Stephen!!


zamozo said...

Awww! What a beautiful gift now twice received! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on Chris' comment.