Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Tisket, A Tasket

Look what was in my Easter basket!
There were many changes in our Easter celebration this year; the first of many, I'm sure.
Stephen is in South Africa and Zachary had too much studying to come home.
It was our first Easter without them.
The Easter Bunny had to leave his trail of "poop" (jelly beans leading from each child's room down to the Easter baskets) in plastic eggs this year, as our poor little 80 lb., 7-month-old St. Bernard puppy chokes on jelly beans.
We nearly had to perform the Heimlich on her last week.
We didn't have a fancy Easter dinner. In fact, other than a yummy breakfast of caramel rolls - not the traditional cinnamon rolls - we ate leftovers for lunch and dinner.
For the first time in at least 18 years, we didn't dye Easter eggs. Instead, we started a new tradition of decorating emptied shells with permanent markers. We learned this technique from a dear friend whose artistry far surpasses anything we were able to accomplish on our first try. Once the decorations are complete, you coat the eggs with Mod Podge for strength.

It was more fun than dying the eggs. Especially since mine usually turn out gray or brown.

We enjoyed our day and tried to embrace the differences. More change is on its way.

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