Thursday, April 9, 2009

These feet weren't made for walking...

I have been something of a hermit of late.
I always tend a little toward the "alone, but not lonely," but lately it's been a bit extreme.
You see, these last couple of weeks have been somewhat overwhelming.
It all started when I took Ivy for a walk about 10 days ago.
It was a simple walk.
A slow 2/3 mile, as my broken foot was still healing.
All seemed well, though half-way through my right shoe began to feel a little tight.
Throughout the rest of the day, my foot started to ache.
A lot.
More than it had.
I chalked it up to being on it a little too much.
That's all.
Well, that night I took a good look and my foot was swollen again.
And really sore.
A quick call to the doctor yielded an appointment and instructions to wear my lovely orthopedic shoe.
The verdict?
I had likely cracked the new bone growth around the original fracture.
Three more weeks of orthopedic shoe, followed by three more weeks of no walking for exercise, plus another appointment to check on my progress.
The past 10 days have been spent sitting, expanding, and slowly going stir-crazy.
On the brighter side, my podiatrist can now afford that little trip to the Caribbean...

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