Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Send in the Clowns

So, yesterday morning I'm sitting with my foot up, as per usual these days, drinking the elixir of life coffee and reading the paper when it starts.
The oop-ack of a cat barfing.
Now, this isn't an unusual occurrence in my house.
I do, after all, have four cats.
None of whom will allow brushing.
The sound was coming from upstairs, in the hallway.
Before I could register much more than "somebody needs hairball goo," Ivy was off like a shot.
Now, remember, she's not supposed to "bound, run or otherwise exert herself" for at least five more days.
I leapt up and hobbled to the stairway landing, but these days my "fast" is not nearly fast enough.
Before I even made it to the baby gate, Ivy had charged through, the gate crashed onto the landing, and she was up the stairs snarfing.
You see, nothing is more tasty to a dog than cat barf.
Except maybe cat poop, but that's another story.
So, I hobbled quickly up the stairs, grabbed her leash, and hauled her, ever so gently, back down the stairs. But Ivy, the little princess, was in a frenzy of culinary exuberance. Somehow, I managed to wrestle her - carefully - into her kennel.
Back up the short set of steps to the landing I gimped and after several excruciating attempts, managed to put the somewhat mangled baby gate back across the stairwell.
What a relief.
I turned and stepped down.
It was a long way down.
You see, I had thought I was on the bottom step.
Silly me.
Instead, I had stepped off into space from several steps up, landing, of course, full force on my right foot.
The broken one.
Need I say even say "ouch?"
I've ratcheted up my Aleve dosage and have been trying even harder to stay off my foot.
But the aching is back.
I can again feel the exact spot where the fracture is.
It's almost like there's an ice pick marking the spot.
Looks like my podiatrist will soon be able to afford another little vacation.
I may just have to be strapped down for 6 weeks so this can heal.

At least I didn't have to clean up the cat barf...


zamozo said...

Oh my gosh! Those pets, especially that big, adorable, galumph of an Ivy, will be the death of you I swear! Take care of that foot -- I don't want to have to push you around in a wheel-chair.

zamozo said...

But I would if I had to.


Heather's Moving Castle said...

I can't believe how the tables have turned. A few years ago I was the one who needed help. I am so sorry about all the trouble you are having. I will have my own vehicle again soon. Please let me know if you need anything. My cooking is pretty decent and I give good hugs. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Your life is a whirlwind, which I can't imagine how you do it with the foot.... take care of yourself! I hope you have a peaceful day today... I wish I was local to you so as to stop in and lend a hand....

Karen said...

Thanks everybody.
Michael calculated this a.m. that my foot has been broken for more than two months now. It feels like forever.
I'm managing my little pratfall with the Aleve and making everyone "serve" me - I'm lucky the girls are Michael like me...
I don't want to go back to the podiatrist - just got a bill for what insurance didn't cover so far - $150. Yikes.
Am giving it a couple more days...