Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Simply Stix

So, what does an unschooled 11-year-old do with her time?
After all, we have no formal lessons (except for the occasional panic-induced math her mother is prone to), no set schedule, no daily tasks that must be completed.
She probably sits in front of the TV all day, zoned out, learning nothing, right?
Or else she's staring blankly at a computer screen or having her mind-numbed by violent video games.
Everyone knows a kid can't constructively occupy her own time. A kid can't know what's best for her; after all, she's only 11.
Here is merely one totally kid-inspired activity my 11-year-old daughter created last week. Meet Simply Stix, a line of dolls by Melissa.

Not too shabby, huh?


zamozo said...

OMG! She should so have her own Etsy shop!

EC said...

Seriously! That is the cutest freakin' thing!! How creative!!!