Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I can't get you out of my mind...

She needs me.

I found Flojo at the Animal Lifeline in Carlisle, IA., last week, and since then I've come up with her new name (Flossie), a plan for introducing her to our dog, Wally, and our four cats, Fern, Elmer, Fannie and Lester.
I haven't yet been able to convince my dh that we need another dog. Or rather, how desperately I know she needs me, umm, us.
You see, I regularly check the photos at most of the nearby animal shelters as well as breed-specific animal rescue organizations throughout the Midwest. I'm not exactly looking for someone to adopt; I just can't help myself.
There's something in my core, something almost instinctual, that drives me to need to care for other creatures.
I have four children and if it had been up to me, we probably would have 6 or 7. Now that the kids are growing up, that yearning for another baby has wained somewhat.
Or perhaps I've just changed focus.

Now it's Flojo.
I can't get her out of my mind....

1 comment:

Heather's Moving Castle said...

I have an aunt with 15 cats and another aunt with about 10 dogs. And I have another aunt with lots of dogs and cats. Those pets are their babies. They rescue strays (or dumped animals) and try to find homes, but end up keeping several here and there over the years. LOL. Maybe some woman have more mothering hormones? Personally after having two cats for 10 years and a dog for about 3, I am good for awhile with my two busy boys. No pets for me for awhile--despite my boys wanting a zoo (cats, dogs, birds, snakes, chickens, horses etc).

Fossie (sp?) is cute!