Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One car?

In my frenzy of debt disposal I've been manically reading every personal finance blog, frugal living blog and get-out-of-debt blog I can find. An interesting idea proposed on many of them is to ditch the second car and become a one car household.
At first blush, this seems impossible.
But after careful consideration I can see that it could work for us.
We're kind of living a trial run right now. Last month my son totaled his car. He graduates from Iowa State University in a few weeks, but until he has a few months of full-time work under his belt - and in his bank account - he won't have the down payment for a new (old) one.
ISU is in Ames, Iowa, about 45 minutes from Des Moines, where we live. My son has to travel to and from Des Moines several times a week for appointments and his job.
What to do?
Since we don't want to take on another car payment, even short-term, the obvious solution was for us to share one of our two vehicles with him. Translation: he has the family van most of the time while my husband and I share our Prius.
We live a good 25 minutes from my husband's work, but he can get a subsidized bus pass for $5 a month. So far, so good. The pick-up and drop-off times aren't ideal, but they are workable.
So, it's working well, right?
Yes and no.
I know this sounds terribly indulgent and somewhat ridiculous to some, but our one-year-old basset hound goes to daycare two or three times a week. Why would I do this, after all, I'm a stay-at-home mom, right?
First, daycare gives my daughters and myself a break from his puppy energy, which for anyone would be nice, but for me is essential. With my EDS and fibromyalgia, fatigue from normal activity can be incapacitating. Add in a puppy and it's almost impossible at times.
Daycare has also been great for socializing him, and bassets are extremely pack-oriented dogs. He needs the companionship of other dogs to keep him healthy and happy. It also gives him great exercise, leaving him worn out and easy to handle on his days at home.
So daycare is a must.
My husband used to take Gus to daycare on his way to work - it's about 20 minutes from home. We planned his daycare days to coincide with the days my younger daughter takes her high school classes, giving me two or three mornings of extra rest. Plus, my husband would pick the dog up on his way home at the end of the day.
Having to take over these early morning tasks is beginning to wear on me, as is the extra trip at the end of the day.
I guess I'm not really complaining, as it is only short-term. And it's nice to know this would be a viable option if necessary.
But it is hard.
And not fun.
In the meantime, I'm finding that as long as I get one cup of coffee down before heading out, I'm good to go. And usually I can hold off the worst of the fatigue until the weekend, when there is more chance to rest.
If we were to consider permanently downsizing to one car, we would need to live a less "scattered" life, with home much closer to work and activities than it is currently.

My son was able to get a car loan on Saturday, no down payment required. We co-signed the loan, but he will be building credit history.
I spent most of the weekend recuperating from spending last week in the car, so I'm really happy we have both our vehicles back.
We won't downsize to one car any time soon, but I do think my husband will continue to ride the bus a couple time a week.

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