Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Smooth Moves

About a year ago, Melissa was sick with a mysterious virus. Her white blood cell count was high and her cbc results were wacky. She couldn't eat, had no energy, and spent her days lying on the couch. Not at all typical Melissa.
Needless to say, we were quite worried, imagining all the terrible illnesses she might have. Dehydration was a real worry, and I knew I had to think of something to keep her out of the hospital.
That's when I discovered the amazing power of smoothies.
Finally, she could eat something with a little substance to it, and after nearly a month of being quite ill, she began to regain her strength.
Since then, fruit smoothies have become something of a family favorite, seeing my second son through his wisdom tooth extraction and mono, soothing sore throats, and simply tasting great!
Melissa had a hankering for some smoothie
goodness the other day and I wrote down a recipe so Michael could make one for her. (I was resting my
broken foot)

This makes enough for two large servings.
2 cups plain yogurt (preferably homemade)
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 ripe banana
2 T wheat germ
Add honey to taste
Blend to desired consistency and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I wish my parents (and I) had this recipe when I had my last flare-up of Crohns.... much like Melissa, I was completely drained, unable to eat/keep anything down, and took about a month or more after to eat anything of substance at all. Both physically, as my system had lost much of its ability to tolerate anything after so much time not eating well, and mentally after fearing a recurrence of that pain.

These smoothies would have been priceless in those early days of getting back to normal. While I hope never to be there again, I know its more than a real possibility, so having this recipe/idea is priceless. Thank you :-)

Karen said...

You're more than welcome.
I think the same thing, of sorts, happened to Melissa. It had been so long since she'd eaten anything (she was sick for several months) that any food hitting her stomach was like lead.
Hope you like the smoothies - and I hope you don't have another flair up.