Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dark Days Eat Local - Week 15

I seem to have rediscovered the joy of scones this winter. I had forgotten how quick and easy they are to make, and how deliciously tender is a scone straight from the oven. Cheese scones were the perfect accompaniment to this week's local meal.

I started out planning to make potato soup. But as I added ingredients to the crock pot, a little sliced ham, carrots and onions, the soup evolved into something more like potage, otherwise known as a thick stew.
Everything in the potage was local, either from CSA delivery or the farmer's market, and stored in my freezer. A little salt and a dash or two of pepper and we had an incredibly tasty, completely local main course.
Not pictured are the two pies we had for dessert, apple and southern chess, favorite kind of pecan pie. The apples were gleaned from a nearby tree last fall and the pecans were purchased on a trip through Missouri. Butter and eggs, milk and flour, all were from local sources.


Anonymous said...

As much as I like soups, potage seems much more like a *meal* somehow. How do you make your scones? I'm looking for a good recipe.... do you think it could be used as a base and then used to play with the flavors?

Karen said...

I'm planning a "scone" post soon!