Thursday, March 12, 2009

Difficult Decisions

As Michael and I have been putting our financial house in order, we've had to make some tough decisions.
Our van died late last fall, leaving us with two small cars, one of which is our son's. Most of the time, with the boys away at college, our small cars work just fine. But when we all, or even 5 of the 6 of us, want to go somewhere together, we run into problems.
We're planning a trip to Arkansas for spring break to visit my mom and to spend a couple of days in Hot Springs. We set aside money for the trip, knowing we'd have to rent a van. Our big mistake was not checking van rental prices earlier. The best deal we could get, from, was for an SUV at a whopping $500 for the 9 days. Yikes! We anticipated spending more like $300, so it was a bit of shock.
Fortunately, we resisted the temptation to buy a van, though it was great. We don't want to take on any new debt until all our credit card debt is gone. We'll be sure to do more thorough research before our next trip.
Another painful decision was to eliminate our participation in all three of the CSAs we were to join. It is so important to me to support small, local farmers, but with both dogs needing surgery this spring ($1300) and fencing and roof repairs that can't be put off, we found ourselves too strapped for comfort.
Living within our means is certainly a lesson in choices; not all of them easy or fun.
A dear friend has offered a garden-sharing arrangement for the season. She'll provide the land, we'll provide half the labor and seed/plant costs, and we'll share the produce. A great arrangement for both of us, though I'm still sad about the CSAs.
I know I'll be able to find the produce I need from local farmer's market vendors.
It's the right decision for us financially, but certainly a loss with regards to community-building.


Heather's Moving Castle said...

FYI MamaP and Sugar Creek farm will be bringing stuff to we can buy to park days at Ft. DSM over the summer.

Also, I wish I could loan you my minivan!! It is reliable, but not too good on tall boy legs. Good luck on your trip. I hope your foot is better too.

juliecache said...

Feeling for you -- I left our CSA with the same heart-rending a couple years ago. Not that the owner minded, but _I_ minded that we were leaving. But Turtle Farm has a great farm stand and has a list-serv to alert me on what is for sale.

Anonymous said...

((((((HUGS))))) It is so hard to "pick and choose" like this. Good for you for doing it, even though the temptation was there.
About the CSAs, do your farmers' markets have the same CSA farmers? Here, they sell at local markets as well. Maybe that is a way to keep your connection with them and continue to give support, but in a way that is financially more do-able? Your friend sounds like a very thoughtful and aware person. Kindness goes a long way when difficult decisions are in play.

Karen said...

Thanks, everybody.
I'll be shopping the farmer's markets much "harder" this year, that's for sure!
Where is Turtle Farm's stand, Julia?

hmd said...

Hey, Karen. I hadn't heard back from you so I though I'd stalk you a bit :)

Sorry things are so difficult right now. You'll be in my thoughts. You did win "The Green Year" on my blog. All I need is your address and I'll send it your way.

Hang in there...

juliecache said...

hwy 141 just north of the jester park turn-off. I have bought transplants from here very cheaply the past two years, too. very nice gal.