Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Clear as Mud

So, I've worn glasses since I was two years old.
I don't remember life without glasses.
As you may have surmised, my eyesight is poor.
Yeah, really poor.
When I was little I had to wear a patch over my right eye, my good eye, to try to improve the vision in my left. Basically, I only use my right eye except for a sort of passive vision in my left.
I hated that patch.
I couldn't read, couldn't enjoy watching TV. It was awful.
My oldest sister had to watch me for a week once before I turned two. Apparently I wouldn't leave the patch on and kept burying it in the sandbox.
While I don't remember that, I do remember my relief when I no longer had to wear that patch.
Though of course this meant that the vision in my left eye wouldn't improve.
To this day my glasses correct the vision in my right eye to nearly 20/20, but the left lens can only be brought to a level of correction that gives me a measure of balance. (Ha!)
This creates a depth perception issue that makes things like parallel parking virtually impossible.
I have been told that losing the vision in my right eye would make me legally blind and I believe it.
While I've adjusted to my poor eyesight, really I don't know any different, it can cause the occasion problem.
I now prefer to read on my Kindle since I can make the type extra large. I need especially good light for reading or crafting, and when a cat knocks my glasses off the bedside table in a ploy to waken me (it works, by the way) I might not be able to find them.
The other night, after one such awakening, I stumbled sans glasses to the bathroom to feed said annoying beast. Dawn was just beginning to peak over the horizon, so there was a sort of hazy grayish light.
What I saw took my breath away.
And not in a good way.
Was that a...?
It couldn't be..
A gigantic dead spider... right in front of me!
I dashed back to my room, groped for my glasses, and returned, fully prepared to be horrified by my discovery.
Good thing I stifled that scream.
My giant spider turned out to simply be a crumpled leaf.
That little jolt of adrenaline kept me awake until morning.
I might just have to start putting on my glasses to feed the cats in the night.
That or develop a tolerance for huge arachnids.
As if.

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