Sunday, January 15, 2012


This is what I came downstairs to find the other day.  Apparently, no one else remembered to keep an eye on the babies.

Gus figured out how to open the cupboard door in the front room.


and Henry

got in on the action, too.

Fortunately, this was cheap, store bought yarn and we got to the scene of the crime before Elmer discovered what was going on or we could have had a real disaster.  Elmer has a thing for "twing" and would have downed a hunk of this in the blink of an eye.
Don't ask me how I know this.

Gus was pleased as punch with his prize - it was hard to take it away from him.
Everyone who was supposed to be watching the baby got a good talking to from yours truly.  After all folks, this kind of lax supervision leads to tragedies.

1 comment:

Meandering Thread said...

Hahahahaha!!! I love animals!!! The pics are worth the loss of yarn in my book:) so long as no one actually swallowed any that is.