Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Handmade Holidays Part 2 (Belated)

I have a thing for snowmen.
Sarah painted this adorable snow family for me - I love them!

After a winter virtually sans snow, we may finally get a dusting this evening... but not enough for snowmen.

Melissa crocheted and felted this incredible basket for me - it's huge!  She spun the yarn, designed the basket, crocheted and felted the whole thing - all without me having a clue what she was up to.  It was a great surprise.  Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get a picture that does it justice.

We also haven't been able to figure out how to get good photos of the jewelry Sarah makes.  Here are some of the earrings she gave me for Christmas:

Aren't they beautiful?
And then there are these guys...

Sarah whipped up these cute, primitive, scruffy owls - they now sit on my window ledge, ever alert for squirrels and robins.
Last, but not least, Melissa crocheted these gauntlets for Sarah...

and for Michael.

I love being surrounded by my girls' creativity.  They are always working on something - spinning, sewing, drawing, even sometimes baking.  
They are truly an inspiration.

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