Monday, December 28, 2009


After a slow November and early December, the ladies have picked up in their egg production. They're back up to laying 4-7 eggs, which is just about perfect. I have plenty to use myself and extras to give to friends.
Everybody molted last fall in September and October, and they're nestled snug in their coop. With the weather this cold, we have a heat lamp on in the coop and a device to keep the water from freezing.
The girls are really glad that Michael has taken over gathering the eggs and changing the water. It's a cold, cold job these days!
One poor lady laid the monstrosity you see above a week ago. To give you a little perspective, below is a comparison between jumbo and a regular egg.

Yeah, I know.

I finally got around to using the egg today and it turned out to be a double-yolk. I am so thankful for the ladies and the hard work they do for us everyday. A dear friend gave us meal worms for the chickens for Christmas. We need to get them out to the coop before all the worms die. Sarah wants to be sure each lady gets a worm, so they'll have to be hand fed.

Thank goodness for Michael!


juliecache said...

that's awesome that you can keep chickens in dm. i'm still waiting on cathy for teen book club info.

Karen said...

Let me know - my older daugher will be schooling at home this semester (homebound) because of her persistent migraines - I know she would really enjoy the chance for interaction with other teens.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is quite the egg! Glad that production is at a steady pace.