Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Eerie Community

Late every fall, the crows descend.
They arrive by the hundreds to roost in the tall trees in my yard.
Apparently, crows used to roost in the countryside, but starting 30-40 years ago, began to congregate in cities.
I find it a little creepy to see mobs of these huge, black birds flocking in the skies over my house. Then again, I was probably only 6-years-old when I first saw Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
Why do these birds roost together in the fall?
Ah, the mystery deepens.
No one knows for sure, but thoughts include warmth and safety, communication, and socialization.
Perfectly natural reasons, I'm sure.
But it still gives me the willies.


juliecache said...

read bernd heinrich. i like him as an author. he has your answers.

Anonymous said...

That is a little creepy. A while back I saw a enormous group of sparrows (at least 100 I'm sure) all congregating by the side of the road. Totally unfazed by the cars, I'd add. And then all of a sudden they took off in a group, circled once, and flew out of sight. Weird - but I'd be even more unnerved were they crows.