Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Happy Mother's Day

What a glorious Mother's Day I had! It started with whole wheat walnut coffee cake and the Sunday New York Times, courtesy of my wonderful husband, Michael. He and the kids spent a good portion of the day cleaning the house, folding laundry, etc. We now have a bunch of pictures of the kids framed and ready to hang. Michael took the kids to a garden center where they picked out four beautiful rose bushes for our front yard. They surprised me by planting them before showing them to me!

I also received a gift of honey through Oxfam International, a lovely card and even a haiku from my youngest:

You snort when you laugh
and then you laugh more ha ha
which makes me laugh, too

Uh hmm, don't you love the honesty of children??

Dinner was also prepared for me by dh and Stephen: marinated pork chops cooked on the grill, grilled asparagus parmesan, fresh salad (from Melissa) and homemade coffee chocolate chip ice cream from Stephen and Michael.

I spent most of the day reading - to myself! - it was lovely.

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