Monday, February 2, 2015

#100HAPPYDAYS - Day 14 Snow dogs

Bertha Mae and Gus
These two hooligans are a study in contrasts.
While Bertie is an out-hound, forever needing to patrol the perimeter of her territory, checking for invaders, chasing errant squirrels and killing baby bunnies, Gus is an in-hound who, except for sunning himself on the porch steps in the summer, would just as soon stay inside curled up on the couch, preferably under a blanket or on a lap, thank you very much.
But with yesterday's snow they missed their usual 2-mile morning walk and needed to go outside and get the stink blown off.
You know, as an expression "go outside and get the stink blown off" really doesn't seem to be rooted in any sort of practical wisdom. If you stink when you're inside, you're still going to stink outside, though the aroma might disperse somewhat, rendering your smell somewhat less stinky to those in close proximity.
And as far as dogs go, being outside generally tends to increase the stink.
But I digress.
It's always much more fun to go outside if one of your people goes with you, and that's what happened yesterday when they had their little romp in the snow.

Everything started out nice and sedate...


But then somebody said something or touched somebody in just the wrong way...

And the Basset 500 Blizzard Edition 2015 was on.

The snow is deep! Especially when your tummy is so close to the ground.

Bertie gets some great ear action going.

Neck and neck...

But a burst of speed puts Bertie out in front...

Oh no!



Blinded by the ear!

But the bullet takes a shortcut...

And... hey, Mom, it's snowing again. Can we go inside now?

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