Sunday, February 12, 2012


It's a lazy Sunday afternoon.
For me, that is.
My darling husband is busy washing bottles for his home brew.  This is his first batch in years and years, so I hope it turns out.
Poor guy had to do up the dishes before he could even reach the sink (I know, that doesn't really make sense, but without a photo I'm trying to give you an idea of just how many dirty dishes there actually were).
Our dishwasher conked out last week and this time it wasn't because of a fur clog.  I know this because my husband removed two fur clogs in the past couple of weeks - that's how long the dishwasher has been acting up.
Repair guys came yesterday - some little doohickey part isn't working properly - total repair cost?  Nearly $300.  Yep, that's 2/3 the cost of the 2 year-old dishwasher itself.
I think it's time to hit the library for a dishwasher repair manual before the next breakdown happens.
Granted, I do use the dishwasher a lot - often running two full loads a day, but still.
Nobody felt like washing the dishes last night, so they were lying in ambush for the first person who really needed to use the sink.
Enter darling husband.  He even had to wash up after his own morning cooking adventure - delicious blueberry buckle.
Love that stuff. 
Love him, too.
As I write this, one dog is zonked in front of the fire, dog number two is racked out on the couch soaking up some rays, and a cat is curled on the back of the couch.  I know she's actually asleep and not just 'resting' as her tail has stopped flicking.
Son No. 1 is on his laptop, slurping the first cup o' java of the day.  He must have had a late night.  Both girls are upstairs in their respective rooms doing homework - such good girls they are.
And I'm practicing my hobby - procrastination.
I'm trying to work up the oomph to get started on a new afghan, with new yarn, and a new pattern.  It's the new pattern that has me dithering.  As usual, any new project must have the requisite activation energy.
I'm pretty sure I'll overcome inertia later this afternoon.
Sometimes I worry that I don't get out enough, don't make the effort to expand my social circle.  And I probably don't.
But right now, here at home, is where I want to be.
I think I'll just sit back and soak it in.
For a while, anyway.

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