Saturday, August 15, 2009

Resistance is futile...

Earlier this week Zachary began experiencing symptoms of c. difficile infection.
After a blood test and stool samples, the doctor could prescribe an antibiotic, so we caught the infection at the start this time.
Thank goodness.
Zach has been on anitbiotics now since Tuesday and he's beginning to feel a little better and is now able to eat a bit. He's still exhausted, but hopes to go to work a half day on Monday.
I can't explain the level of dread he and I both experienced on Tuesday, heading back to the hospital for tests while he felt more and more ill.
It took perseverance on our part, though, to get the antibiotics as soon as we did. I had requested that his doctor, who was doing a hospital rotation that day, call us in the evening. The receptionist assured me he would. Well, along about 9:30, I began to suspect that he never got the message. When Michael got back in town at 10 p.m., he agreed we should call the answering service.
We were just so afraid of waiting and having the infection progress without treatment.
Within 5 minutes of leaving the message with his service, the doctor called us, talked with Zach, and called in a prescription to a 24-hour pharmacy nearby.
Zachary seems to be on the mend, but I know we're all worried about yet another re-infection, especially since goes back to college on Thursday and classes start Monday. Fortunately, he attends university just 40 minutes away.
I'm concerned about his stamina, about susceptibility to other illnesses since he's been so weakened by this illness. He had regular check-up on Monday, before he knew he was getting sick again, and discovered that he had lost more than 20 pounds during his illness in July.
There's a lot to be thankful for - our medical insurance, access to quality medical care, that this reinfection seems to be clearing up...
But it's hard not to worry about him.
And it's scary to realize how such serious illnesses can seemingly come out of nowhere and wreak such havoc on a young man's life.


zamozo said...

(((Karen))) -- we need to talk, I feel so out of touch with you. Look for my email. I hope Zach gets better real quick! What a trying summer!

Marcia said...

Hi Karen,
We are thinking about all of you every day and wishing for Zachary's recovery. I know that "they say" that we aren't given more than we can handle in life but I have always wondered who "they" are and if "they" have had their share of trials and tribulations too?! We missed you at the festivities in Boston - I figured that you would see this before getting an email. Take Care.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to post lately because of traveling, but I have been thinking of you and Zachary. I'm sorry to hear things are so hard for you both now. The draining nature of all this seems so cruel, and the impact on school, etc.... sigh. Hang in there, what else can one do?