Saturday, February 12, 2011

Om, Om Good

Something hit me last fall.
Maybe it was my 47th birthday. Maybe it was just that "tired of being tired" feeling.
Whatever inspired it, in October I took my exercising to a new level.
Now, for some people that means running their first marathon or increasing their workouts to an hour each, 7 days a week.
But for me, that meant getting serious about exercising at least 5 times a week on my elliptical. I started out at level 1, barely able to walk 15 minutes. But over the course of the fall, I've built up to 5 days a week, 30 minutes at a time, on level 3. I usually burn 200 calories (dessert!) and walk 1.5 miles.
I cannot tell you how much better I feel.
Also in October, we added twice a week yoga to our routine. The girls and I faithfully attend a gentle yoga class at a local studio, with Michael joining us as he's able.
Honestly, after the first class I was hooked.
I cannot believe how much better I feel after a yoga class - stronger, healthier, more energetic. How could I not have known this? Really, if I hadn't thought it would help my daughter's headaches, I never would have had the nerve to try a class alone.
Thank goodness I did, because I can't imagine my life now without yoga.
Yesterday I even did a yoga DVD at home.
I will never move on to an advanced class or become a yoga expert, my body just isn't built for it.
But gentle yoga has done incredible things for my mind and body already in just four months - I'm excited to see what happens in the next four!


juliecache said...

How exciting for you, Karen! It's nice to see you blogging again.

Karen said...

Thanks, Julia! I'm going to try to get into the swing of it again!