Saturday, July 4, 2009

One Local Summer - Week 5

Cauliflower-cheese pie.
This is one of my absolute favorite meals, and is quite well-suited to local dining.
The crust is made from grated potatoes, lightly salted and pre-baked.
The filling is cauliflower sauteed with onions and thyme and the custard is made with a couple of eggs, salt and pepper, and a dash of cream.
I've never been a big fan of cooked cauliflower, but this pie is delectable.

We had a wilted lettuce salad, using lettuce and onions from our garden. The lettuce is quickly tossed in hot bacon grease (just a dab!) and a dressing of vinegar, salt and pepper. A few pieces of bacon are crumbled over the top. I keep thinking my lettuce is done for the season. I cut it way back, then the weather cools again and I get another growth. Not that I'm complaining!

The coup de grace was mulberry sorbet. The mulberries were picked from at a friend's farm, juiced, then put in the freezer with a little sugar added. Mulberries are quite sweet, so I added the juice of 1 lemon. All it takes is a quick stir every half hour or so, and in about 3 hours you have sorbet! I didn't leave mine in the freezer quite long enough, so it was extra juicy, but the taste was great. I'll definitely be trying this again with different fruit juices.

This may be the "most" local meal I've made so far this summer


juliecache said...

love the salad. i grew up on wilted lettuce.

Anonymous said...

Cauliflower is a fav veg of mine, and baked especially. Do you think it could also go in the pie grilled? I've been grilling/roasting veg like mad lately and find that it gives a totally new flavor to the same dish. Sorbet! I have so much raspberry juice from going raspberry picking yesterday, I will do your recipe!

Claire MW said...

I just love the look of that cauliflower pie. Will you share the recipe? I don't eat much cauliflower because I am not fond of it (except roasted) because it seems bland, but I can imagine that pie would be super. The mulberry sorbet looks wonderful too. Now I'm hungry!