Sunday, February 18, 2007

Womanly Arts...

Lately I've had this urge to create. This poses a problem for me, however, since I have few crafty-type skills under my belt. My mother embroiders beautifully and is making me a gorgeous tablecloth. I never learned how to embroider. My cousin taught me how to crochet when I was 10 or 11 - I have completed two afghans in my lifetime and have a slew of unfinished projects tucked away in boxes and bags. I am definitely a beginning crocheter... I can follow an easy pattern, usually.

I have made a few ATCs to trade through Imagination Tribe and decorated a votive candleholder for another trade there. Sarah, Melissa and I just completed our pages for an artful poetry book through Imagination Tribe, as well.

Note to self: Learn how to include links in text.

I bought a book of more than 250 different patterns for crocheted granny squares about a month ago and have managed to complete two different ones. I love them and have decided on the third pattern, but at this rate it will take me the rest of my life to finish another afghan! I never learned to sew - despite the apron I made in 7th grade home ec. class, though I did buy supplies recently to make two different "quilts" using differently patterned napkins. My daughter showed me how to get started, and I was doing great, until the tension went screwy (at least that's what my friend diagnosed over the phone) and I had to stop. This was two weeks ago. Oh, my daughter only took a few sewing lessons and isn't familiar with this machine - the one she knows how to use is still packed from last summer's move...

I also bought a boxed set to learn how to embroider - it is still sitting, unopened, on my dresser. Right by the unfinished shawl I started for my mom last fall...

List of current unfinished projects:

* crocheted shawl for my mom (I think I lost the instructions...)
* crocheted afghan for my second son (I think it's still packed, hopefully with the directions, from our move last summer)
* crocheted poncho for my youngest daughter (even if I could figure out how to finish it, it's been two years and I don't think it would fit her anyway)
* an afghan I started when oldest daughter was 2 years old - she's almost 14. I finished it when she was 11, but it started to come apart shortly after she started using it and I don't know how to fix it.

Last week I bought an instruction booklet for how to crochet a small purse (think young girl) and then felt it. I bought enough yarn to make at least 6 purses. I did start it today; so far so good.

Today I bought felt and embroidery thread for the girls to make teddy bears for a trade and I bought yet more yarn for myself to crochet one. We have until the end of the week if we hope to make the deadline for the trade.

So, what prompts this urge to create? Is it the beautiful works I see online and in the craft stores? The scarves, sweaters and hats my friends make? I honestly don't know.

Years ago, when she was about 4, my youngest daughter saw me working on an afghan (I never finished that one, either, though I do have about 20 granny squares made). She had never seen me crochet before. With an incredulous look on her face and a dubious tone in her voice she declared, "Mom, I thought the only womanly art you knew how to do was cooking!"

Well, honey, you may still be right!

1 comment:

zamozo said...

fun, fun, fun!

To make a link, see the chain symbol in your compose window? Highlight the words you want the link attached to then click the chain icon - type in the URL! Voila!

THanks for sharing!