Monday, October 6, 2008

Abundantly Yours

Dear Mother Nature,

I am writing to thank you for the abundance you have provided me this year. My garden continues to produce tomatoes and basil, we harvested the last of our butternut squash (6) last week, and still have to dig the sweet potatoes and garlic.
You have also provided for me through the gifts of friends and neighborhood trees (apples), my CSA, and farmer's markets throughout the area.
I have a bushel of apples in the basement, quarts and quarts of applesauce and pie apples in the freezer, pickles to last the winter, jam up the wazoo aplenty. We have enough frozen corn and green beans to last the winter as well. I have canned tomatoes and frozen sauces and salsa. We have wonderful locally and sustainably reared beef and chicken in the freezer, along with quarts and quarts of frozen raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.

I have a bushel of onions waiting to process for the freezer and a bushel of potatoes to pick up Saturday from the farmer's market. I have garlic to last me most of the winter, and pear butter in the crock pot. There are 7 pounds of Concord grapes in the refrigerator that I need to turn into jelly tomorrow.
I even have 11 chickens to provide my own eggs along about January or so.

Now, I don't mean to complain, so please don't take this wrong.
But I need you to stop.
Right now.

Please send a hard freeze right away!

You see, I can't take it anymore. The urge to preserve just won't quit, but truthfully, I'm worn out. It's October now, and I have other things I want to do.
But if this produce production continues, I'm never going to get my Christmas presents made or my house clean. I may not have time to decorate for Halloween.
Or Thanksgiving, even.
I know you'll understand, being a mother and all, that sometimes your children need guidance. Usually they don't want it, but I'm begging you.

Turn off the spigot, please, I'm drowning in abundance.
Thank you.

Abundantly Yours,



Mama Podkayne said...

*raises hand*
I'll come take it off your hands! ;) Our crops failed miserably.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. Now I'm sitting here freezing with no tomatoes or basil. It is very sad. I do have seed shopping to look forward too.