Friday, December 5, 2008

Remember to Floss!

The other day Sarah dropped her toothbrush.
Yep, that's it right there, after the fall.
She dropped it in the bathroom.

Lest you think too badly of me and my housekeeping, the brush did fall back behind the bathroom vanity. You see, when we moved into this 1904 house, we did a lot of remodeling.

Phew. Excuse me. I just had a flashback to the contractor from hell.

Anyway, we - I guess I should say I - wanted to make the remodeled bathroom look as period-appropriate as possible. This involved purchasing a clawfoot bathtub, really cool circular free-standing shower, and a vanity that really is a separate piece of furniture.
All this explanation is to let you know that there is a partial gap between the vanity and the wall that is nearly impossible to clean. In fact, I didn't even realize it was there needing to be cleaned until the toothbrush-dropping incident.

From my experience, it seems old houses have many more such nooks and crannies to clean than newer, modern houses. Just yesterday I vacuumed the ledges above the doorways in my upstairs hall. Not a pretty sight.
The grooves and edges of the wainscoting in the bathroom and the intricate notches of the woodwork throughout the house are also fur and dust collectors.
Then there's the window ledges, the stained glass windows and the radiators.
All dust/dirt collectors.
For Christmas I'm buying myself this book Knitting With Dog Hair: Better A Sweater From A Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You'll Never Meet. My plan is to learn to adapt the spinning techniques I learn from the book to turn my dust bunnies and fur tumbleweeds into yarn.
At least then I can watch the accumulating crud with the satisfaction of a shepherd.
No, Mom, I don't need to vacuum.
I'm just growing my flock...


Heather's Moving Castle said...

You have the best sense of humor! I would need a depends in your house. LOL. Dog fur makes me want to cry but it is inevitable in my house too. And dust. I plead the 5th.

Anonymous said...

I think you might be needing a spinning wheel for your birthday. You can sell your environmentally friendly items on etsy.